How to Make Almond Milk at Home

December 29, 2018
by Amanda Li Our Recipes

An easy, homemade, dairy-free substitution, perfect for everything from your coffee to your soups and pastas. Almond milk is healthy as it is tasty!

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Milk alternatives are all the rage these days. Enter almond milk. A combination of almonds and water, almond milk is gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan, and deeeelicious! Eating a handful of approximately 20 almonds covers 35% of your daily recommended intake of magnesium, fibre, and vitamin E. It is also an essential fatty acid and a good source of antioxidants. What you may not know is that it’s possible (and surprisingly easy) to prepare your own homemade almond milk.

Follow these steps on how to make almond milk and you’ll be drinking your glass of homemade almond milk tuned to your taste buds.

How To Make Almond Milk

What you need:

  • 200 g of almonds
  • 800 ml of warm water
  • A pinch of salt
  • A nut milk bag (a fine cheesecloth or thin cloth will also do)
  • A blender
  • A strainer


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1. One day before:  Soak the almonds in a bowl filled with water overnight. The longer your almonds soak, the creamier your milk will be.

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2. Remove the almonds from the water in which they soaked all night and discard the water. Place the almonds in your blender. Add a pinch of salt, 800 ml of room temperature. Blend everything for about 2 minutes until you get an opaque blend of finely ground almonds and water.

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3. Place your nut milk bag or cloth in a strainer over a large bowl. Pour your blended almond milk through the cloth and let the liquid drain through.

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4. Lift the bag gently (making sure you do not lose any pulp or milk). Close it, twist it, and press firmly to squeeze out any remaining liquid from the bag.

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5. Pour yourself a big glass and enjoy! Store any extras in a sealed jar in the fridge. Don’t forget to keep the pulp! It’s a nutritious addition to your smoothies or baked goods.

Pro Tip: Looking to add a touch of flavour or sweetness to your milk? Blend some dates or vanilla extract when blending.

Now that you’ve mastered how to make almond milk, we’ve got some more Plant-Based Proteins and Recipes for you to check out!

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Lynn says:

In your instructions, you say “Add a pinch of salt, 800 ml of room temperature. ”
I read that twice, then went back to the ingredients to find that the *800 ml’ was water!

M says:

I didn’t realize you can get “milk” from a nut. I thought the FDA and CFIA have a clear definition of what “milk” is.
“Milk” means a normal lacteal secretion obtained from the mammary gland of a dairy animal.
The title is misleading and the word “milk” should be removed.